
The Department of Archeology at the University of May 8, 1945, was established in 2002, and is the first in the Algerian East and the third nationally, in order to form students in the field of "Ancient Archeology".

As of 2007, the composition of archeology in the same specialization has been integrated into the bachelor's program within the new system (LMS), then in the master phase from 2010, and the University of Guelma has overseen the supervision of the doctoral school which included 30 students from Kalma and Tlemcen Universities, as well as the National Center for Research in the Prehistory, Anthropology and History (CNRPAH), culminated in the discussion of the students of the University of Guelma for their memoirs and their master's degree in ancient archeology.

In 2015, the Department of Archeology was promoted as a Pole of Excellence, where it began to receive students from all the states of the country (National Registration) starting from the first year of the Bachelor's degree.